Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, August 11th

I talked to Mom earlier. She said that they have turned the respirator down to 80%!!!! That may not sound like much, but it is a huge step for us! The doctor said that Bobby will take baby steps!! Mom said that he looks much better today and that the swelling is down!! The doctor told her that his lungs do look better, but there is a mass on one of his lungs. We have decided not to worry about the mass right now.. it could turn out to be NOTHING! That is something that we will worry about later. Dr. Savage also said that he was trusting in God and praying for a miracle. It is nice to have a doctor that believes in healing and not in himself only!

They are doing the dialysis today, so please pray that they get a lot of fluid off today. Friday, they got off 6 pounds and they got 10 pounds off Saturday.

Mom also told me that Cristell, our OLDER sister, found out that she is having a baby. I know Bob will be tickled to hear that!

Please keep praying for our family.. we greatly appreciate it!

love to all,
Mandi Stutts

1 comment:

Barbara May said...

hay to all and i am just checking in to hear the good news.. it is alot to hear the respirator turned down and whats is more better is to hear tomorrow that they can turn it down to a lower level and Bobby is doing good... Christell i remember when you were a little girl and congradulations on having a baby..hope things go well with that. I know that you guys have been through a lot in the past 3 weeks..But God is still on your side.. We still have HOPE and Faith..the HUMBLE's are still praying for that mericle..and yes its great that the dr has the same faith..God Bless and Keep you healthy...
Paula and Breeonna